11 - 11 October 2023
10:30am 10:45am CET

EUI@EURegionsWeek: Portico, your gateway to urban learning

By EUI Team
Be part of the European Week of Regions and Cities and discover Portico!

Take a guided tour of Portico, the gateway to resources produced by a wide range of EU Cohesion Policy partners. The platform will be launched during the EURegionsWeek. It is the gateway for the European urban community to access the knowledge and skills needed to design and implement sustainable urban policies and strategies and to connect with peers to exchange ideas and experiences on urban issues of EU relevance such as growth, post-industrial transitions, social innovation.

11 October 2023
10:30am 10:45am CET
EUI@EURegionsWeek: Portico, your gateway to urban learning
