Check the relevance and readiness of your project

Is your city eligible? Is your idea relevant? Is your project appropriately addressing the urban challenges you are facing? Are you ready for applying to EUI-IA 3rd Call for Proposals?

1. Eligibility of the Main Urban Authority

Is your project proposal led by an urban authority, an association or grouping of urban authorities located in the European Union, classified as city, town or suburb, and comprising at least 50.000 inhabitants?

2. Topic of the Call for Proposals

Is your project proposal in line and relevant to one of the topics of the Call?

3. Policy framework – Cohesion policy specific objectives

Does your project proposal demonstrate a clear contribution to the specific objectives of the EU Cohesion policy (2021-2027) listed in the description of the Call topics?

4. Policy framework – New Leipzig Charter and the Urban Agenda for the EU

Does the project proposal you are submitting contribute to the vision of sustainable urban development as presented in the New Leipzig Charter?

5. Policy framework – urban megatrends

Is your project proposal’s innovative solution linked to urban megatrends highlighted in the Article 11 of the ERDF/CF Regulation, i.e. green and digital transitions?

6. Identified urban challenge and target groups

Is your proposed innovation relevant for the selected urban area and has clearly identified target beneficiaries?

7. Innovativeness of the solution

Does your project proposal present a new solution which has never been tested or implemented as such anywhere in Europe?

8. Transferability

Does your project proposal have the potential to be transferred/replicated (in full or partially) by other cities across Europe?

9. Sustainability and upscaling

Is your project proposal likely to provide a significant and durable contribution to solving the targeted challenges and be self-sustainable after the project end?

10. Partnership

Have you identified all the relevant Partners to address your urban challenge and to be involved in the implementation and delivery of your project?

11. Project’s design

Would you, as a Main Urban Authority, and your Partnership commit for up to 3.5 years of project lifetime delivering project activities for up to 5 million EUR, and with a sound transfer component and knowledge capitalisation?

12. Project’s Intervention logic

Is your project proposal designed with coherently interconnected activities related to project preparation, management, monitoring and evaluation, communication and capitalisation, implementation, (not mandatory) investment component(s) and transfer?

13. Compliance with funding principles

Is your project proposal designed in compliance with EUI-IA funding principles in terms of maximum budget, Partners contributions and eligibility rules, and is your project budget well balanced, coherent, and proportionate to deliver the planned activities?

14. Measurability of results and impact

Is your project proposal designed to ensure a solid monitoring and evaluation of project activities?

15. Project readiness and feasibility

Does the design of your project proposal sufficiently anticipate all potential project risks that could delay or jeopardize the successful delivery of the project?