New Call for Peer Reviews to open on 1 October 2024
Are you an urban practitioner always eager to share their experience and meet peers from other EU cities? Do you have experience in how to implement integrated and place-based urban strategies under cohesion policy? As part of the same call for Peer Reviews to open on 1 October, EUI will be looking for people like you to join our Peer Reviews pool.
The call will open on 1 October 2024 and will close on 13 November at 12:00 CET. The call page together with the application form and guidelines for applicants will be made available on 1 October on the EUI website. Each year, EUI launches two calls for Peer Reviews (spring and autumn). Stay tuned to our social media and contact your country's Urban Contact Point for more information.
What is a Peer Review?
A Peer Review is a capacity building activity to support European cities to improve the design and implementation of their Sustainable Urban Development (SUD) strategies, through a process of benchmarking and peer learning.
Each peer review involves one ‘city under review’, working with four to six cities acting as ‘peer reviewers’ to address concrete challenges in developing, implementing or monitoring an effective SUD strategy.
Participation in an EUI peer review is based on a formal selection process following an open call. Have a look at the previous call for Peer Reviews (spring 2024).
Our Peer Reviews bring together people working for cities around EU. The exchanges between them are organised following a methodology based on the one developed by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. Each Peer Review lasts between 10 to 12 months, from the notification of approval to the end of the follow-up phase. The most important moment of a Peer Review is a 2-day event when we group together several cities under review and their peer reviewers.